Two Groups of Jubilarians Celebrate in the East

Finally, on April 30th after two years of rescheduling and altering plans for the 2020 AND 2021 jubilees, the day to celebrate arrived! The chapel was alive as those present joined in singing an extremely appropriate song: “All creatures of the sea and earth praise God with joyful song and mirth! Alleluia! Alleluia!”.

Karen LaPara, Administrator of St. Michael Villa, graciously welcomed us and aptly described our jubilarians: You are very much like your foundress, Sr. Margaret Anna - strong, faithful, smart women driven to confront the problems of your day without fear. 

Father Joseph D’Amico, the pastor of St. Anastasia Church in nearby Teaneck, was our celebrant and highlighted a personal aspect of each jubilation’s ministry - what made her special.

The prayers of the faithful focused on the beatitudes and invited us to pray for many:

The children, the women, the men, the war-weary, the soldier, the abused, the addicted, the prisoner, the homeless, in unemployment lines, in shelters in soup kitchens, in tents, in the heat, in the cold, in the rain, in spirit, in their hearts. That the Kingdom of God be yours, we pray God of Peace, hear us.

Victims of war, drought, poverty, and famine: those seeking a homeland or longing for their motherland: people who work for justice, who grow food for the world, who give bread to the hungry, who dig wells for the thirsty, who shelter the displaced; who lay down their lives for a friend, for a just cause, for the truth; who protect creation; who care for animals; who protest injustice; who struggle with faith, or whose faith never waivers. That someday you may be filled.

For those who have died and those who remember; for Sister Rosemary Coffey, celebrating her Jubilee in heaven; for those who have lost their homes in war, in fire, in flood, in foreclosure, in old age, in illness; for those who live in the silence of loneliness, abuse, addiction, or pain; for those who have lost their memory and memories; for all who struggle inn life; for victims of Covid and their caregivers. That one day you may laugh.

For nations at war - Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Afghanistan - or caught in political terrorism and drug violence, that they see the futility of their actions, turn their weapons into plowshares, find mercy, and dance for joy.

For circles of friends, for those in our lives who nourish, teach, heal, and transform us, and in so doing, reveal the face of God; for those who seek political and structural change for the sake of the Kingdom; for artists, dreamers, and visionaries; for prophets and poets, for mathematicians and astronomers who probe the secrets of the universe; for our Jubilarians. That all may someday see peace in the world, peace in families, and  peace in our hearts.

After Liturgy, we “journeyed” to the auditorium of the Sister Clare Tynan School of Nursing. Chris Backiel, CSJP gave the toast: “Today is a long awaited day of great joy! We come together to celebrate with our jubilarians who have responded to God’s call, for 60, 70 and 75 years. They continue to live their lives for God proclaiming and giving witness to God’s vision, to God’s love, to God’s peace!”.

Terry Donohue, CSJP  called us to give thanks for the meal we are about to share and for all those who prepared it for us. Terry continued and gave thanks for each of our Jubilarians and the many ways that each of them is grace and blessing for us.
      ANNIE COLLINS, 75 yrs., who graces us with her NURTURING SPIRIT
          and BEAUTIFUL SMILE;
      JOHANNA DAWRDOWICZ, 70 yrs., who blesses us with her QUIET SPIRIT;
      ROSALIE MCQUAIDE, 70 yrs., who graces us with her ENLIGHTENED SPIRIT;
      BEATRICE RYAN, 70 yrs., who graces us with her DRUMMING SPIRIT:
      ANN TAYLOR, 70 yrs., who blesses us with her GENTLE SPIRIT; 
      ROSEMARY COFFEY, 60 yrs., who blesses us with her FAITHFUL SPIRIT;
      KATHLEEN DOYLE, 60 yrs., who graces us with her GENEROUS SPIRIT;
      BARBARA MORAN, 60 yrs., who blesses us with her PEACEFUL SPIRIT;
      MAUREEN D’AURIA, 60 yrs., who graces us with her COMPASSIONATE SPIRIT;
      MONICA DONOHOE, 60 yrs., who blesses us with her RESILIENT SPIRIT;
      ANTOINETTE MOORE, 60 yrs., who graces us with her ATTENTIVE SPIRIT; and
      ANDREA NENZEL, 60 yrs., who blesses us with her WISE SPIRIT;
And we pray,   
Holy One of Grace, Silence from whom our words come;
    Questioner from whom our questions arise;
        Lover of whom all our loves are hints.  
Enfold us now in your presence; 
    restore to us your peace;
        renew us through your love;
            and ground us in your grace.  AMEN ALLELUIA ALLELUIA

Our celebration continued with music provided by one person band, Joey Sudyka.

And as the saying goes, “a good time was had by all!”

Photos: Peter Pieroni


Jubilees in Western Region


Celebrating Jubilees in the UK in 2021