Associate Covenanting in the West
By Associate Co-Directors Amalia Camacho, CSJP and Sue Nies, CSJP-A
Our joyful celebration of Associate Covenanting began with our cantor, Annie Welch CSJP-A, leading us in "The Summons." It was followed by a reading from Micah that has become a tradition during our Associate Covenanting ceremonies in the West.
Micah 6:6a,8:With what shall I come…and bow before God most high?
You have been told what is good, and what God requires of you; only to do what is right, to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Both "The Summons" and Micah’s words reflect a call Associates have heard deeply...a call to Covenant and actively live out with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace their charism of "peace through justice."
Sr. Margaret Shannon, a member of our Congregation Leadership team, graced us with her welcoming words: “Today is a beautiful day! We celebrate these brave, noble, large-minded, courageous souls. And we applaud you for your commitments this day to continue the journey
with us.
Your covenanted association with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace enriches the life of the Congregation. And together from our varied lifestyles and perspectives holds in common the gospel values from which our charism of peace through justice flows and has meaning for our world.
Your witness today does our hearts good. It does our world good….a world hungry for witnesses for peace with a spiritual frame of reference…..”
Connie Ballantyne, CSJP-A
We first called up Connie Ballantyne CSJP-A to honor and to bless her for her 25+ years as an Associate. Next, Sr. Margaret accepted the Lasting Covenants of Margaret Gaffney and Vicky Hu. Because Vicky lives in Hong Kong, she asked Sr. Carmel to read her personal statement.
During her "Reflection of Gratitude" Margie shared how she came to meet the CSJP Community: “Today, after 15 years as an Associate, I make my lasting covenant with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Our Sisters and Associates are the home of my heart. I came to know the Sisters and identify with them through many years
of shared work and organizing for Pax Christi USA, our national section of the international Catholic peace movement; work as an advocate and guardian for an elderly and dependent individual; and for the past twelve years, work as an attorney and advocate for resource- challenged and marginalized individual immigrants and families.
We witness, support, challenge, encourage, and fuel one another for our ministry of working for peace through justice, transformation of the social order. Sisters and Associates, it is a privilege, a pleasure, and a welcome responsibility to be in your company for the duration.”
Fourteen Associates renewed their Covenants. Associates present for their re-covenanting were: Rosario Ascencio, Connie Ballantyne, Donna Clifford, Bryan Johns, Ann Mescher, Connie Ballantyne, Doug Johnson, and Lorraine Johnson.
Because of work schedules and distance, a number of the Associates were not able to be with us, but they were with us in spirit: Blanca Berguin, Susan and John Lester, Lindy Orlin, Cathy Rowland, Jerilyn Shearer, and Elba Solano.
Then with great joy, we celebrated the First Covenants of Lori Falkel and Ann Marie Natali (mentor - Sr. Susan DeWitt), Karen Hobson (mentor Associate Dale Kelley), Pam McFadden (mentor -Sr. Mary Thorne), and Rhonda Medalia (mentor – Sr. Ida Mary MacAulay).
During the ceremony, “The Peace”, a song from the album Fresh-New Songs for the Church, was played when all Covenanting Associates were called forward for a final blessing by the Community. The words to the song moved many to tears as this was an emotional time for everyone, especially the newly Covenanting Associates.
It was an afternoon of solemnity, smiles, and much laughter during both the ceremony and the gala reception which followed. We were a large group of 80 - family members, friends, and Community. As we enjoyed food from a bountiful table, our new Associates shared "how they came to be with our Community." As in the past, these heart-felt stories touched us deeply
We had so much to celebrate! Our five new Associates have been added to the large number of Associates here in this western region. We are now 63 women and men who are journeying beside the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace in their charism of “peace through justice.”