Stages and Timing to Become a Sister
Inquiry and Get Acquainted Period
This get acquainted period could last between three months to a year depending on proximity to a region and other factors. During that time, she meets regularly with a Regional Vocation Director. She will be invited to vocation retreat days, visits community gatherings of the sisters and ministries of the Congregation, and participates in other ways to become acquainted with our charism, spirit, and community members. She also learns about the qualifications to become a vowed sister. After mutual discernment with the Congregational Vocation Director/Regional Vocation Team member, formal application can be made to become a Candidate.
Upon acceptance, Candidacy usually lasts about one year. The Candidate normally lives in a CSJP community household with other sisters, joining in prayer, Eucharist, and daily life. She continues her work/career or participates in a volunteer ministry. A Candidate Director assists her in the on-going discernment and introduction to religious life and community living. At the end of Candidacy, the Formation Director and the Candidate Director, with the Candidate, discern if Novitiate is the next appropriate step. If so, a recommendation to begin Novitiate is made to the Leadership Team.
The novitiate, a two year period of prayer, study and ministry experiences with people who are poor, takes place in a setting with other novices of the Congregation and the Novice Director. The novice is no longer employed at her previous job and is supported by the Congregation. After mutual discernment and acceptance, the novice celebrates profession of first vows: poverty, celibacy and obedience.
Temporary Profession:
The newly professed sister lives in community and begins a new ministry or continues her previous ministry. Perpetual profession of vows takes place three to six years after temporary profession.
Perpetual Profession!
Sisters Chero and Sukyi at Sukyi's final profession.