Sharing Our Resources: 2024 Impact Report

We are delighted to invite you to read the first ever Congregation Impact Report, Sharing our Resources. Inside this publication you will find the story of how we are actively using our Congregation’s financial resources to partner with others in our local and global communities to promote peace through justice.

While this work is led on our behalf by Congregation Chief Financial Officer Melody Maravillas, in collaboration with the rest of our finance staff and the many sisters and associates who serve on our finance committees, it is also our collective response as a Congregation to who we say we are in Constitution 55:

The sharing of ourselves and our resources,
which is integral to the vow of poverty,
is central to our mission as peacemakers.
We try to make our own
the concerns of the human family
and work to bring about the well-being of others,
especially those who are poor and oppressed.

(Constitution 55)

Pope Francis has spoken about the urgent need to create a “new economy of friendship with the earth and an economy of peace. It is a question of transforming an economy that kills into an economy of life, in all its aspects.” This was the spirit behind the decisions of our twenty-second and twenty-third Congregation Chapters to intentionally share our financial resources for mission.

As you read and pray with the people and places highlighted in this Impact Report, we encourage you to take time to reflect on the many ways we are connected to this growing circle of friendship. Let us hold in our hearts God’s people in need and all creation, praying in a special way for the lives and projects which have been touched through our charitable giving, impact investing, and shareholder advocacy over these past three years. May this in turn inspire us anew to live simply and reverence the gifts of God’s creation.

Download a PDF copy of the Impact Report

Read more about our ecological economic ministry: responsible investing, charitable giving, and impact investing


Community Day of Thanksgiving - January 7, 2025


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