CSJP Leadership Statement: No War with Iran

June 1, 2020

In the words of Saint Pope John Paul II, “War is always a defeat for humanity.”

As CSJPs we have committed to live a charism that declares peace is only possible through justice. Living under threats of violence is not peace, nor does it create conditions for peace.

We concur with Pope Francis, who in his Peace Day message for 2020, writes: “Peace and international stability are incompatible with attempts to build upon the fear of mutual destruction or the threat of total annihilation. They can be achieved only on the basis of a global ethic of solidarity and cooperation in the service of a future shaped by interdependence and shared responsibility in the whole human family of today and tomorrow”.

Dr. Eli McCarthy’s recent opinion piece in the Hill, entitled “Iran: Break the Cycle of Violence with a Just Peace Framework”, offers one example of what is involved in trying to build peace through a just peace framework. It lays out the necessary dialogue and diplomatic steps necessary to reduce tensions and move the U.S. towards a healed relationship with Iran without further violence. The article is worth a read to understand what is required to achieve a just peace.

Admittedly, the President’s diminishment of the diplomatic corps since taking office makes it difficult to imagine this administration having the diplomatic will, or capability, to follow such a course of action; but we must urge them to do so. Further use of force, or threats to do so, are not solutions but obstacles to the difficult but achievable negotiations necessary to come to a just peace solution between nations.

The CSJP community should believe there are paths to peace that can be pursued. We believe because:

Christ is our peace,
the source of our power.

United with him
we engage in the struggle
against the reality of evil
and continue the work of establishing God's reign
of justice and peace.

— Constitution 2

If peace is to come, we must believe it is possible. In his Peace Day message, Pope Francis encourages us: “Hope is thus the virtue that inspires us and keeps us moving forward.”


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